Exploration Potential
Defiance’s management has initiated an aggressive exploration program at San Acacio and Lucita. Further surface mapping, surface geochemistry, and surface geophysics (MAG, IP, CSAMT) to gain a better understanding of the underlying mineral system, as well as oriented-core Diamond Drill testing to potentially increase silver resources and identify new base or precious metals deposits on the project:
- Expanding the defined mineralized bodies on the Veta Grande vein system: Infill and step out oriented core diamond drilling along strike of the Veta Grande G and C veins, as well as Veta Morada and structural offsets near Intermedio using greater structural controls.
- Identify Additional Mineralization: Drill testing separate mineralized targets, including the Palenque structure at Lucita and the hanging wall mineralization at Lagartos.
- Exploring for Silver Ounces Below Previous Mineral Resources: Drilling structural offsets within and below the previous drilling as the earlier, shallow drilling ended in mineralization and previous operators had a poor control on the structural domains of the various veins within the Veta Grande vein system.